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08 Sep 2021 | Industry Insights

Using dashboards to move closer to Net Zero

Dashboards offer users the ability to federate and report on data across multiple projects at an organisation level as well as being able to create dashboards that are custom to the user’s specific needs. 

Monitor individual building or entire portfolio performance quickly using easy-to-use customisable dashboards that display the information most important to you – such as energy consumption. 

Understanding data 

Modern buildings are smart and are constantly monitoring and collecting data, however, all of the different systems are silos that are kept separate. Dashboards can bring all of this data together onto a single platform allowing the user to visualise and analyse the data, identifying patterns to improve a building’s operation. 

Breakdown of energy 

Dashboards give the user the opportunity to have a complete breakdown of how their building is consuming energy such as heating, cooling and lighting, furthermore, Twinview utilises machine learning which can also predict how much energy the building will consume going forward based on current usage levels and by identifying patterns. This is vital for building owners as they can gain an insight into estimated energy costs for a certain period of time and make decisions to move their business closer to Net Zero. 

An example of this could be a company learning which rooms are used the most within a building. If they know that they will only be operating at 50% capacity in less busy months such as December, they could place everyone in the same space and ensure that all the other spaces are not being heated as much to reduce their carbon footprint. 

It is impossible to manage what you cannot measure therefore understanding where energy is being expended enables the user to develop strategies and solutions for moving closer to Net Zero. 

Manual control 

Accessing dashboards from the project screen allows the user to implement widgets. Such widgets give facility managers control over the many facets that make up a building such as heating, lighting and cooling. Ensure that lights are switched off at certain points in the day without having to physically go and turn them off. Giving this amount of control over different building functions inevitably moves you closer to Net Zero as it simplifies the process of managing many assets in one place.

Twinview is a browser-based digital twin platform for the property sector connecting building systems’ data to a 3D model viewed on a single dashboard. Twinview becomes your first step to achieving Net Zero by providing continuous live data and an optimised building performance whilst reducing costs and improving the user experience. Book a demo today.