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Helping you bridge the gap to achieving SmartScore accreditation.

By integrating the Twinview platform into other building technology, we can help you to achieve all the required aspects of the SmartScore accreditation for your building.

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Bridging the Gap to SmartScore Accreditation

In today's world, sustainability and energy efficiency have become increasingly important issues for businesses to embrace. With an emphasis on creating a greener future, achieving a building accreditation like SmartScore can be a valuable tool for building owners and operators. It can help them demonstrate their commitment to sustainability while also providing a variety of benefits.

What is SmartScore Building Accreditation?

SmartScore is a building accreditation program that was developed in collaboration with the US Green Building Council (USGBC) and Smart Growth America. The program was designed to evaluate and accredit buildings based on their performance in a number of sustainability categories, including energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction.

The program looks at every aspect of a building's operation, from the materials used in construction to the way energy is consumed, to the efficiency of water management systems. This comprehensive approach to building sustainability helps businesses to take a holistic approach to sustainability, energy efficiency, and environmental performance.

The Importance of SmartScore Accreditation

Achieving a SmartScore accreditation can be extremely important for businesses for several reasons:

  • Credibility and Reputation: SmartScore Building accreditation gives businesses credible third-party recognition of their sustainability efforts, which can help to build trust and confidence in their customers, tenants, and other stakeholders.
  • Market Differentiation and Competitive Advantage: SmartScore accreditation sets a building apart from the competition and gives owners an edge in the marketplace. Being recognised as a sustainable and energy-efficient building can help attract new tenants, drive up prices, and improve net asset value.
  • Improved Performance: Buildings with SmartScore accreditations are typically more energy-efficient, use resources more efficiently, and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable planet.
  • Lower Operating Costs: SmartScore accreditation can help owners identify areas of waste and inefficiency, allowing for adjustments to be made that can lead to lower operating costs in the long run. A study done by the USGBC found that buildings with a SmartScore rating use 35% less energy, 35% less water, and generate 35% less greenhouse gas emissions than average buildings.
  • Improved Tenant Comfort: SmartScore accreditation can translate to better insulation, more sustainable materials, and enhanced HVAC controls for tenants, leading to increased comfort and well-being.

How Twinview's Digital Twin Platform Can Help Achieve SmartScore Accreditation

Achieving SmartScore accreditation is no easy task, but it can have numerous benefits for a building owner in terms of environmental performance, tenant comfort, and overall asset value. By working with other building technologies and consolidating all the building data into one easy-to-manage platform, Twinview's Digital Twin platform can help businesses achieve SmartScore accreditation by optimising building performance, facilitating data-driven decision-making, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. The result is a sustainable, energy-efficient building that is more valuable and more appealing to tenants, investors, and other stakeholders.

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EC1n 8SS


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Newcastle upon Tyne