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12 Aug 2022 | Webinars & Videos

The Building Safety Act Update: What is it and what impact will it have?

The Building Safety Bill received Royal Assent and became an Act of Parliament.

In our webinar held on July 26th, Twinview co-founder Rob Charlton navigated attendees through the incoming Act and its legislative changes.

The significance of the act and the impact it will have on the construction industry are reflected throughout.

Beginning with the public inquiry, Rob described Dame Hackitt's Independent review and the subsequent opening stages of the Building Safety Bill. Further contextualising the Act, Rob identified critical takeaways of the Grenfell Tower inquiry and its closing statements. Following the timeline of events, Rob described to listeners the high-level items and changes made between the Building Safety Bill and the Building Safety Act. Rob then detailed who will be affected, which buildings are included, and the new roles created to regulate and monitor the future requirements. Also included was information on the three gateways, the golden thread, the Defective Premises Act, and more.

Rob delivered a comprehensive overview of what to expect and how the industry can prepare. To finish, Rob held a Q&A in which he answered the following questions:

Attendee One asked, "Does Twinview have a function to ensure resident voices are heard?"

Attendee Two, " Where is the best place to find information regarding the next steps of the Building Safety Act?"

Attendee Three queried, "I share your concerns over competency and shortage of skills within the construction industry. What initiatives are being introduced to address this?"

To finish, attendee four wanted to know, "Does the new homes ombudsman also address issues of non-high rise risk residential accommodation dwellings?"

Find the answers and catch up on what you missed; access the webinar for free here on Twinview.

Watch the webinar below


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